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Daily Bread - Working In Time For Working Out, Made Easy
Working In Time For Working Out, Made Easy

Working In Time For Working Out, Made Easy

by Zara Lisbon
via Daily Burst

How often do you hear about the extreme importance of exercising on a regular basis? How often do you feel guilty for not exercising on a regular basis? For many of us, the answers to both questions is: ALL THE TIME!

Well, it’s time to stop feeling guilty. You already know the crucial health benefits of exercise, so now here are 6 easy ways to fit it into your day without stressing yourself out or beating yourself up about it. Doing one of these things a day may only make a tiny difference, but doing as many as possible will legitimately get you in shape, inside and out. 

  1. When you’re at home, take a short break from whatever it is you’re doing to try ten minutes of jumping jacks. This alone can burn up to a hundred calories. 
  2. In the morning, before you head to work or go about your day, power walk to the end of your block and then power walk right back. This will take almost no time at all, but it will set the stage for an active day. 
  3. Keep a set of weights next to your bed. Any weight you’re comfortable with is fine, even if it’s just one or two pounds. When you wake up and before you go to bed, do a few repetitions of various arm exercises. A quick Google search will teach you the best ones to incorporate into your routine. 
  4. If you’re waiting around--let’s say for a doctor’s appointment, or a flight, or your turn at the DMV, or maybe a table at a restaurant--use this time to walk briskly around the building or the area outside. Ask the host or receptionist for an estimate of the waiting time, then use it to get your heart rate up. 
  5. At the end of the day, take a dance break. Put on your favorite album or playlist and crank up the volume, then dance your heart out like nobody’s watching, like you’re a teenager again, like there’s no tomorrow. This one isn’t just good old fashioned cardio, it’s also fun. 
  6. Stay active while watching TV by doing sit ups and squats. With the TV as a distraction, you won’t be focusing on your burning muscles, and will be more willing to squeeze in extra repetitions. During commercials, jog in place. Jogging in place for five minutes will burn about forty-five calories, so even if you do this twice during an hour-long TV show, you’re making progress. 

None of these quick tricks requires committing to a gym or showing up for a workout class where you know you’ll be watching the clock the entire time. Everything suggested here is designed to be convenient and painless for YOU. Work small increments of physical activity into your everyday routine, and you will feel a difference. You’ll see it, too! 

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